Saturday, January 9, 2010

Fight to assemble: David Ifshin's life-long battle for reform started in the Vietnam era at SU. Today, Newhouse honors the late leader of 1970 student protests - News

Fight to assemble: David Ifshin's life-long battle for reform started in the Vietnam era at SU. Today, Newhouse honors the late leader of 1970 student protests - News

State of the Reunion

State of the Reunion Message
Now that many of us from the Forrest Gump years have actually hit our sixties, it's time to party like it's 1969 and reminisce to the extent that our brain cells and Ginkgo Biloba Martinis will allow.

• Learn how the secret handshake can help arthritis.

• Brush up on that vintage mantra, “Contemplate the plaintive plight of these poor plebeian pledges…”?

• Win a free drink guessing how many hours a week Olivia polished the “palatial portals.”

• Recall how many “Little Sisters” marched on the Chancellor’s office demanding benefits for “Little Sisters” who had slept many nights at the house pictured above?

• Relive the year helmets had to be worn during circle dances?

Satire aside, imagine the fun! All this and a long awaited compilation of “Hell Week” recipes.

This will be the housemother of all reunions! Add it to your bucket list:

“The New York Epsilon Salon”
Thursday, April 29
@ The Union League Club
38 East 37th Street
New York, New York 10016
Tel: (212) 685-3800
Estimated cost: $150 per person
(with discounted rooms at the club available at $209 and $249 )

If interested, contact Steve Govoni at